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A Symphony Called Leadership

Jeff Pasquale

In life, we create our own symphony. We all can make music (as in creating stuff) that is unique, memorable, and inspiring. But some keep their music to themselves and rob the world of their unique sound (abilities). Avoid becoming a member of the latter group.

Instead, live out loud!

Lead out loud!

Love, Engage, Appreciate, Decide, Embrace, and Recognize! Out loud!

This isn’t about noisemaking, but it shouldn’t be a secret either.

Your leadership has depth, whether you see it or not. It is fully evidenced when your actions and your thoughts rise above the din of the day’s background noise thus creating your own distinctive melody or song. At that point you have become the conductor of your life’s symphony.

A symphony is not played by one person; it takes a team of players – the orchestra. All symphony players are committed to making music together. Even an orchestra needs a leader, the conductor, whose primary role is to evoke, provoke, guide, and empower every musician in the orchestra…at the same time.

A conductor is not randomly chosen for this role. A conductor decides to lead, wants to lead, needs to lead. There is no mistaking the conductor’s intention.

Leadership is a choice. Remember - when you decide to lead, people will be coming to you for guidance.

Intend to lead masterfully. Intend to make your life and your work a masterpiece.

Whether you manage a small marketing department or lead a huge financial services firm, treat your role seriously. As the leader, you get to create your own symphonic masterpiece with your team.

(Excerpt from the forthcoming book, A Symphony Called Leadership)


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